Parents are fully responsible to bring and to take their own Students after the school hours. Parents are free to make their own arrangement for transportation of their choice. Students coming on bicycles or two wheeler are fully responsible for their own property/ belongings, school shall not take any responsibility of things lost from the school premises. All bicycles or two wheeler must have name of the ward written on it for identification.  Students must use only the allotted parking zone for all parking purposes.

The school does have school buses running for some particular places. Contact the transportation department of the school for detail information. General transportation information is listed as follows: –

  1. Morning Pick up Schedule (Insein Route)
    1. Insein (Thiri Sanda Hospital stop) at 6:45
    1. Hledan (Pyi Yeik Mon stop) at 7:10
    1. Hlaing (Hlaing stop) at 7:00
    1. MYUM (Union Mission stop) at 7:30
      1.  Morning Pick up Schedule (North Dagon Route)
  2. North Dagon (Kon Padethar stop) at 7:00
  3. South Okkalappa (14/15 Junction stop) at 7:20
  4. Kan Beh (Church stop) at 7:30
    1.  Afternoon Buses Leaving the Compound
  5. All the buses will leave the compound at 15:00 hours sharp

School Bus Policy

  1. On days when the school is operational, the school owns or operates four buses arranged as ferry system to transport students to school in the morning and home again in the afternoon.
  2. Ferry fees must be paid to the school treasury department within the first week of the month.
  3. The school also employs the bus drivers.
  4. Each bus will adhere to assigned schedule of stops.
  5. For reasons of safety, no other stops will be permitted.

School Bus Rules

  1. Parents/ caregivers of YAIA are responsible for arrival and pick up. Parents / caregivers should be ready at the bus stop 5 minutes before the departure of the bus. You may call or text the monitor mobile to inform of your delay or absence. The bus will not be able to wait for the late arrival students or late pick up.
  2. All students riding a bus must be seated and must wear a seat belt (excluding the pull-down seat).
  3. Students must obey the instructions of the bus driver, the monitor or any teacher traveling on a bus.
  4. Without prior permission from the transportation management team, no additional passengers are allowed riding in the bus.
  5. Students may not eat or chew gum while traveling on a bus. Students may drink water from a pet bottle or Thermos with a cap. Cartons of juice and open cups are not permitted.
  6. Bus windows must remain closed during the whole journey.
  7. Students must not interfere with the door.
  8. Students must not play musical instruments while traveling on the bus.
  9. Students whose behavior is unacceptable may be refused permission to ride on a bus.
  10. Apart from the designated dust bin, students must not be litter neither on the bus or throw out of the bus.